A downloadable game

"A Call For Help" is the first game of a series called "Reflection Of Light" coming out soon. 

A trailer will be released soon.

A demo is planned for October 31.

The game features a main character named Sam, dreaming about a strange call for help from a mysterious person. 

Will he follow this call or will he stay focused on his initial mission, in a kingdom full with blood thirsty creatures ?

Find out soon...

Trigger Warning !

The game contains loud sounds, and disturbing imagery.

Please consider not playing the game if those triggers you.

Credits :

Writer - Cloudy

Director - Cloudy

Official Soundtracks - Eli (https://linktr.ee/eli_173)

Promotional/CG Artist - Tobonxart (https://www.tiktok.com/@toconxart?_t=8qyfiRsl9Sj&_r=1)

GUI/sprites/designs - Cloudy

Icon/logo artist : Hanashi

Horror ambiant sounds -  DHSFX - (https://dhsfx.co.uk/)

If you want more information about the development, and about our game,  join  our Official Discord server  !


ReflectionOfLight-1.0-mac.zip 131 MB
ReflectionOfLight-1.0-pc.zip 135 MB

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